Comments on: Senate and House Agree for First Time on Cannabis Legislation Sun, 31 Jan 2016 01:23:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim Strombel Tue, 16 Jun 2015 00:00:00 +0000 Thanks for the comment! I see what you are saying. I actually talked with a DEA agent in depth about this last weekend and the impact he is seeing day-to-day. He says that, for the most part, they are actively turning their attention away from the Cannabis industry. However, they are still forced to, at times, deal with illegal operations. I agree with you that things could certainly be handled better at the federal level. But, tons of old thinking and old money is dying off and we are seeing changes in policies beginning to take place. These changes aren’t false hope, and they’re not interpretive, but simply facts that are being reported. Yes, Congress and other entities could change this over night. But that would be false hope, and false hope is deadly, which is why it will never happen over night. I love your comment and can see the passion you have surrounding the subject. I look forward to talking with you again!

By: Aloious Kathcart Alqonquin Sat, 13 Jun 2015 18:33:00 +0000 Unfortunately, as seen in Ca, Co, and Wa prosecutions, the DOJ neatly side-steps this prohibition by claiming the money it’s using to persecute sick and dying people and their providers already exists in funds allocated to it in the normal budgetary process. Nor does it in any way prevent the DEA, et al, from harassing individuals and organizations to death. The Executive Branch could end this conflict overnight. That this hasn’t happened, despite Congress’s prohibition of prosecution, speaks directly to the fact that Congress has no control over the thugs who threaten, cage, and destroy us in the name of power and money. False hope is deadly.
