Hemp FORCE Protein Powder
Hemp FORCE makes vegan organic hemp protein powder. Each flavor utilizes a rich and complete protein that isisolated from organic hemp seeds. Each Hemp FORCE protein contains all of the essential amino acids, all three branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) and both essential fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6). The protein profile of this organic hemp protein powder is one of the most nutritious sources in the plant kingdom.
Additional ingredients used not only enhance the natural flavor of the hemp, but also contain several antioxidant and bioactive compounds found to be beneficial for peak performance. Sweetened with natural stevia, Hemp FORCE supplies the body with an all-natural, easily digestible protein supplement showcasing a nutrition profile unlike any other on the market.
Hemp FORCE protein is isolated from hemp and contains a unique mixture of two proteins, edestin and albumin (present in a 3:1 ratio). Edestin is a globular protein found only in hemp and contains a higher content of essential amino acids compared to soy protein. Human albumin is a water-soluble transport protein in the blood, synthesized in the liver using available dietary protein. Dietary albumin is present in high concentrations in non-vegetarian sources of protein, such as dairy and meat. Inadequate protein intake or vegetarian diet can lead to low levels of blood albumin, resulting in muscle weakness and fatigue. Consuming hemp protein and other foods with high albumin content can help boost the body's ability to synthesize human blood albumin, offering all the health benefits of a complete protein.
Due to a well-balanced amino acid profile, strong fiber content and essential omega fatty acids, Hemp FORCE organic protein powder represents one of the most nutritious and energetically favorable vegetarian proteins available. The bioactive nutrients in Hemp seeds make Hemp FORCE suitable for anyone.
Hemp FORCE is truly the next generation of protein supplement that will prove beneficial to all individuals interested in healthy protein snacking or true performance nutrition.