Indica Vaporizer: Sleek Design & Expert Engineering

Dripping in elegance, beaming of superior quality, and enticing the senses with its expertly engineered features; we invite you to dive into the innovative phenomenon of the Indica Vaporizer.

In creating the Indica Vaporizer, I was looking to develop a unique brand that epitomized compelling design and differentiated itself from other portable vaporizers already in the market. My primary goal was to develop a vaporizer more accurate than any currently existing portable device. Secondly, I sought to create an approach towards customer service that would raise the standard so high, that our competition wouldn’t ever be able to touch it. Most of the existing manufacturers in this niche are designing products that have the sole purpose of heating herbal matter and converting its content into vapor or a vapor range. The Indica vaporizer was designed to surpass this basic capability and become more and do more than any of its predecessors. It is a beautiful tool that does more than just ‘vaporize’ – It has the capability of extracting specific cannabinoids and with its 5 specific control settings, you’re guaranteed consistent results on the go!

My primary goal was to develop a vaporizer more accurate than any currently existing portable device.

The story of the Indica brand began to unravel in late December 2012. I realized I was in the midst of a changing tide: People were changing their smoking habits and their intrigue with cigarettes was beginning to fade. Now, instead of picking up a pack of cigarettes from behind the register, they were choosing to indulge with e-cigarette type vaporizers instead, but I instantly saw a drawback to this. These alternative products were expensive and were lacking severely in engineering, design, and capability. They had no precise temperature control, were very bulky, very flawed, and yet… they held a high price tag. The Indica Vaporizer came to the space as a solution to these blaring flaws. I believed that if I could develop an expertly-engineered vaporizer and retailed it at a competitive price point, it would capture the attention of the vaporizing community. And so, I curated a team of superior talent in the areas of design, branding, and marketing and pursued my vision of creating an iconic brand that would appeal to stoners, business professionals, and baby boomers alike. The result was a timeless, elegant, technology-equipped vaporizer that was designed to be discreet in it’s lighter-like shell.

Aside from it’s revolutionary design, the team behind the Indica brand is certainly to commend for its success. Our team leader was the spearhead of the Starbucks B2B branding/graphics program and our COO held previous positions at Wilson Sporting Goods, K-2 Skis, and Burton Snowboards, and everyone in our staff is passionate about the brand and is actively living out the Indica mission in every task they take on.

Technology-wise, the Indica Vaporizer is unparalleled in its capabilities. If you’re familiar with vaporization, you know that there are two processes that are used in the market. These consist of convection and conduction based heating. The Indica is a conduction based vaporizer. In layman’s terms, this means that the heat is transferred from the outer walls of the oven chamber to the herbal substance within. So, based upon the five preset temperatures, you can extract specific cannabinoids for medicinal purposes at each specific level. The accuracy of the temperature reading of the contents within the chamber are, plus or minus, 1.5°C, which is quite precise.

As technical as it is, simplicity of use is key when it came to the design of Indica. To fill the chamber, simply slide the chamber door off the unit and snap it onto the bottom, which is magnet for safekeeping. Fill the chamber with up to .31 gram of your favorite herbal product and, if you wish to use a medicated quantity, such as .07 gram, we supply several strong spacers, which slide in after your herb, to help uniformly heat the chamber. Replace the door by sliding it upwards and back, and your vaporizer is packed and ready to use!

True Vaporization Video

The hinged top is spring-loaded and helps keep in the herbal odor when the Indica is turned on. This is one of the conscious design choices to promote stealthiness in using our product. Once open, the push button LED on the side is what you’ll use to access all the temperature controls. To turn it on, simply hold down this button for three seconds. To turn on the heating mechanism, all you have to do is quickly press the button twice, which will turn the LED button to a cool cyan color and in approximately 45 seconds, the chamber will reach close to 170°C/340°F. By pressing the LED button another two times quickly, the contents of the chamber will raise by another 10°C within 3 to 5 seconds. The sequence is cyan, blue, green, purple, and finally, red. Red’s temperature is equivalent to 412°F; since combustion of herbal cannabis is close to 430°F, we have elected to keep the highest setting far below that temperature and ensure that the Indica remains a pure vaporizer.

… we have elected to keep the highest setting far below that temperature and ensure that the Indica remains a pure vaporizer.

The Indica Vaporizer is the result of an unfaltering mission to blend cutting-edge technology, elegant design, and a conscious, deliberate goal to design a vaporizer that would fulfill every consumer’s desires for a tool of superior quality. I’m unabashedly pleased with the result of my team’s effort and I assure you that we are committed to constantly raising the bar and peaking your interest in every single possible avenue. I challenge you to experience the difference of vaping with the Indica Vaporizer – The most captivating product on the market!

Written By: Michael Freelander
